The World Languages collection is located on the 2nd floor. The collection contains books in many languages, including the following:
Download ebooks or audiobooks with OverDrive and your Ela Library card.
Browse our collection and use the language filter on the left side to narrow your options.

Magazines & Newspapers
PressReader - Access thousands of magazines and newspapers from around the world on your computer or mobile device with your Ela Library card.
A small selection of print magazines and newspapers are available on the 2nd Floor.

Movies & Music
DVDs & Blu-rays- Browse our collection and use the language filter on the left side to narrow your options.
Hoopla Movies & Music – Stream or download with Hoopla and your Ela Library card. Use “Advanced Search” to filter by language.
Freegal Music – Stream or download music with Freegal and your Ela Library card. Prefer CDs? Visit our World Music collection on the second floor.

For Kids
The library has a collection of books for kids in many languages, including Spanish, Polish, and Russian. A small collection of international CDs and DVDs is also available. Browse our collection and use the language filter on the left side to narrow your options.
Download ebooks or audiobooks with OverDrive and your Ela Library card.
Browse our collection and use the language filter on the left side to narrow your options.