Students in grades K-5 can use these tools to help with research projects and classroom assignments. For students in grades, 6-12 see the Teen Student Resources.
Live Homework Help

Students and job seekers can receive live, professional help daily from 2-11pm. Submit homework questions or resumes anytime or prepare for standardized tests.
Encyclopedia Britannica Library

Comprehensive encyclopedia with separate sections for kids, teens, and adults. Articles, images and biographies on thousands of different subjects included. Find trusted content for school projects or just to learn something new.
Daily Life through History

Explore the lives of ordinary people in the ancient world, medieval world, 15th-19th centuries, and the modern world. Learn about family life, food, work, sports, languages and social customs.
Encyclopedia Britannica Library

Comprehensive encyclopedia with separate sections for kids, teens, and adults. Articles, images and biographies on thousands of different subjects included. Find trusted content for school projects or just to learn something new.

Help your kids learn a language and engage with reading. Choose from thousands of picture books in 70+ languages.
Scholastic BookFlix

Pairs classic video storybooks from Weston Woods with related nonfiction eBooks to build a love of reading and learning.
Scholastic TrueFlix

Pairs short videos and ebooks on a variety of social studies and science topics to help students build literacy skills.
TumbleBook Library

An online collection of animated, talking picture books for kids. Books are also available in a read-along format and in Spanish and French.

Students and job seekers can receive live, professional help daily from 2-11pm. Submit homework questions or resumes anytime or prepare for standardized tests.