For Kids
1000 Books before Kindergarten
Strengthen your parent-child relationship, stimulate brain development, and build lifelong language and literacy skills.
How it Works
- Show your Ela Library card at the Children’s Reference Desk and fill out a quick registration form.
- Receive a log to keep track of your reading and a free tote bag to carry all your books!
- Read whatever books you like.
- Complete 1,000 books, then pick up your t-shirt prize and take a photo with our finisher sign.
- Visit our 1,000 Books page for more info.
For Teens and Adults
12 to Try Annual Reading Challenge
Allow us to treat you to 12 different genres and topics! For teens and adults ages 16 and up. From January 1-December 31, 2025.
How It Works
- Sign up on the library's Beanstack website or download the Beanstack app.
- Read books on 12 different themes anytime during the program.
- Enjoy a book of your choice within each topic or click a badge in the challenge to select a title from reading lists curated by our librarians.
- Complete 12 books and pick up your 12 to Try prize! Prizes available from March 3, 2025 until January 9, 2026 at the Information Desk.
Finishing up 2024's 12 to Try program? Prizes are available at the Information Desk through January 3rd, 2025!
100 Books Before...
Teens, here's your chance to earn prizes for all the books you read. For teens grades 6-8 and 9-12. Starting January 1, 2021, and ongoing.
How it Works
- Sign up on the library's Beanstack website or download the Beanstack app. Stop by the library to pick up a registration prize.
- Read any 100 books you like before high school/graduation.
- For every 25 books read, come to the library to pick up a prize.
- Complete 100 books before high school/graduation and pick up your final prize.
- Visit our 100 Books page for more info.
Need Help?
- Phone: (847) 438-3433
- Email: for kids or for teens and adults