In using our computers and wireless network, you agree to our Technology Use Policy.
Please note: all computers and printers shut down five minutes before the library closes each day.
The library has several public Windows computers available throughout the building. Computers provide internet access, Microsoft Office, and several other applications.
The library has two Mac Computers in the Forge Makerspace.
The library has three Mac Laptops and three Windows Laptops available at the second floor Reference desk. You can check one out for two hours at a time for in-library use only.
The library also has laptop bundles (a Lenovo laptop and Wi-Fi hotspot) that you can check out for three weeks and take home.
The library offers free wireless Internet access to all library users. Select “eapl-public-wifi” to connect. No password is required.
Trouble Connecting?
Try disabling your firewall software and then see if you can connect. If you can't, then you will need to reconfigure your firewall to allow access to our wireless network (refer to your firewall's online help).