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Hoopla logo

App available. Stream or download TV episodes, movies, ebooks, audiobooks, and comics for all ages. Even check out magazines (search Binge Pass). Check out up to 20 items per month. Note that the Library currently has a Daily Limit.

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LOTE4Kids logo

Help your kids learn a language and engage with reading. Choose from thousands of picture books in 70+ languages.

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Overdrive / Libby

Overdrive / Libby logo

App available. Download and enjoy ebooks and eaudiobooks on your computer, tablet or mobile device. Check out fiction and non-fiction ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and comics for all ages.

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Scholastic BookFlix

Scholastic BookFlix logo

Pairs classic video storybooks from Weston Woods with related nonfiction eBooks to build a love of reading and learning.

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TumbleBook Library

TumbleBook Library logo

An online collection of animated, talking picture books for kids. Books are also available in a read-along format and in Spanish and French.

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