Records Retention Policy


The Ela Area Public Library District retains records in accordance with directives from the Local Records Unit, Record Management Section, Illinois State Archives, Springfield, IL  62756.


Records will be retained only so long as they are

(1) necessary to the current conduct of the Library:

(2) required to be retained by statute or government regulation; or

(3) relevant to pending or foreseeable investigations or litigation.


1. The responsibility for administering record retention management, in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois, is designated to the Library Director.

2. Destruction of specific records shall be carried out only in accordance with the rules and guidelines set down by the State of Illinois.

3. This policy includes all records maintained on electronic data processing storage media as well as printed records.

4. All records shall be retained for at least the minimum period as stated in applicable State or Federal laws or regulations. Once the period for official retention of records  has passed, a determination will be made regarding whether the records fall under the Records Retention schedule supplied by the State of Illinois, and with the approval of the Records Retention Division.

 5. The destruction of records shall be suspended immediately upon receipt of legal process or other notice of pending or foreseeable investigations or litigation, whether government or private.


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